Optimizing RFI / RFP Season Readiness

We're in the heart of RFI season and the upcoming surge of RFPs aka "busy season" will be here before we know. It's a time marked by looming deadlines, intricate requirements, and fierce competition. Thriving, not just surviving, hinges on meticulous preparation and unparalleled efficiency. Interestingly, only a very percent of companies stand out with a robust, readily accessible library of proposal assets, saving countless hours on each submission.

Why Preparation Matters

Reacting to an RFP release isn't enough. Winning companies proactively prepare, building their arsenal well before the RFP is released. This strategic foresight allows them to tailor their proposals precisely to each RFP's unique demands, rather than scrambling to compile basic info last minute.

Crafting Your Resource Library

An organized resource library is the cornerstone of efficient proposal development. Essential elements include:

  • Case Studies & Past Performance Citations: Detailed records of previous projects, emphasizing outcomes, challenges overcome, and the value delivered to the client, can significantly strengthen a proposal. 

  • Employee Resumes: Keep a dynamic repository of detailed resumes to swiftly align your team's expertise with RFP requirements.

  • Common Proposal Components: Save time without sacrificing customization by maintaining templates for recurring proposal sections; e.g. management plans, QA plans, and transition plans/

Tips for Efficiency

To maximize the effectiveness of your resource library, consider the following tips:

  • Regular Updates: Ensure that all components of your library, especially employee resumes and past performance citations, are regularly updated to reflect the most current and relevant information.

  • Accessibility: Store the library in a centralized, easily accessible location. Utilize document management software that allows team members to find and retrieve documents quickly.

  • Customization: While templates can save time, remember that customization is key to standing out. Use the templates as a starting point but tailor each proposal to address the specific needs and requirements of the RFP.

  • Review and Refinement: After each proposal submission, review what worked well and what didn’t. Use these insights to continuously refine your templates and resources.

How We Can Help

To bolster your readiness for RFP season, we're offering two specialized services:

  1. Audit/Assessment of Existing Artifacts: We'll evaluate your current library, identifying any gaps or areas for enhancement.

  2. Building and/or Improving Assets: Based on our audit, we'll help you either create new materials or refine existing ones, ensuring they're of the highest quality and relevance.

Beyond these, we're here to support you in all aspects of the business development process, from pipeline development and teaming strategies to proposal management. If improving your asset library or any other area of your contracting process interests you, please reach out.

Let's make this RFP season your most efficient yet.