Capture, Outreach, and Teaming

Have you identified an upcoming opportunity that you aim to pursue? We’ve guided clients through every stage of the bid process, from business development to capture management and proposal development. If you’re chasing a high-priority opportunity, you need a well-defined plan that’s both flexible and focused—that’s what we’ll deliver.

We can help you gather competitive intelligence, prepare to meet customers and agency stakeholders, and develop the right strategies, solutions, and positioning for your response.

We can also help with another critical component of the bid process: teaming. Your choice of partners can make or break a successful bid. Thanks to our decades of combined experience in the federal space, we’ve developed a network that includes large and small firms with a huge range of capabilities and experience spanning every federal agency. Once you’ve decided to pursue an opportunity, we’ll map the government’s requirements to your firm’s existing capabilities to identify any weaknesses or gaps. Then, we’ll introduce you to potential partners that can close those gaps and turn your weaknesses into strengths. 

We help clients with everything from obtaining the right documents to structuring the teaming agreement. Whether you want to join a large bid or find a small business to meet set-aside requirements and agency small business goals, we can build your winning team. Give us a call at 301-852-0595 or email us at to learn how we can help you secure your next big opportunity.