What the Remote Present Means for the Future of Government Contracting

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced organizations in virtually every industry to dramatically alter the way they work, and the public sector is no exception. As we await the arrival of a vaccine and the beginning of the “next normal,” it’s becoming increasingly clear that many of the changes we’re seeing now will be permanent.

That might be a good thing.

So, what does all this change potentially mean for government contractors moving forward?

  • Opens the door more for companies outside the Beltway. The ability to rely on offsite workers allows the feds to solicit services from firms not located near the Capital. While this will inevitably mean more competition for contractors based in the area, it could benefit them as well. Firms that don’t need to provide onsite staff can potentially outsource work to companies all over the country as they seek to improve their margins from federal contracts. 

  • Creates opportunities for recruiting remote talent. Many companies have long touted flexible working arrangements in an attempt to lure top talent (and it’s worked). In the “next normal” federal agencies and contractors will have more opportunities to level the playing field, and a reliance on remote staff will probably help with retention as well.

In short, telework gives you, your workforce, and government customers more options. As you weigh all of yours in the months ahead, you’d be wise to prepare for a “new normal” that looks a lot like the present.