8(a) Graduation Planning

The U.S. Small Business Administration’s 8(a) Business Development Program can be tremendously beneficial to small disadvantaged businesses hoping to break into the federal space. In addition to receiving operational and technical assistance throughout the duration of the Program, companies holding an 8(a) certification are eligible for set-aside awards and sole-source contracts. Though generally smaller, these contracts can provide 8(a) firms with a solid foundation on which to build a public sector portfolio.

Unfortunately, the 8(a) Program doesn’t last forever. If you’re an 8(a) firm approaching your graduation date or a company that will soon be sizing out of the 8(a) program, you’ll need to be prepared to compete against bigger, more experienced firms if you want to survive.

We can help you develop and execute a transition plan that positions you for continued growth in the public sector.

We’ll start by conducting a comprehensive assessment of your overall readiness to compete, and show you how to address existing gaps and weaknesses. Depending on your unique goals and circumstances, we might recommend participation in the SBA’s “All Small” Mentor-Protégé Program, as a means of expanding your award eligibility. In other cases, we might get to work building your opportunity pipeline or assembling a team to work on an upcoming bid.

The reality is that the majority of 8(a) firms fold after soon after losing their 8(a) certification. We’ll make sure you’re not one of them. Call us at 301-852-0595 or email us at mike@growthlab.us to learn more about how we can make your transition out of the 8(a) Program a stepping stone to continued growth in the public sector.