Readiness Index & Strategic Evaluation

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Can your BD team describe your process?

We’ve worked with every type of government contractor under the sun and truth be told, we haven’t met many who could confidently talk about the BD process up and down their organizational chart. It doesn’t mean they aren’t good at what they do, but it does mean they’re burning money through operational inefficiency and process misalignment.

GrowthLab’s 28-question Readiness Index & Strategic Evaluation (RISE) benchmarking tool is specifically designed to help companies grow their business development capabilities and capacity year-over-year.

RISE assesses people, processes, and coordination across five phases of business development for government:

  1. Opportunity identification and tracking

  2. Qualification and bid decision

  3. Capture and teaming

  4. Proposal development and submission

  5. Post-award activities

RISE reduces operational costs and helps government contractors win more work. So leave nothing to chance. Let us help you:

  • Assess your BD capabilities

  • Identify processes and functions that need improvement

  • Communicate growth agenda and align relevant teams

  • Set a growth plan and measure your progress

Contact us today.

See reliable & measurable growth in your business development capability.